Since public school is closed on Monday, we’re making the most of it with a Youth Lock-In beginning at 7 p.m. on Sunday, March 9
📍 Where: Pittman Park UMC and Wesley Foundation
🕖 Time: Sunday, March 9, 7:00 PM – Monday, March 10, 9:00 AM
🎮 What’s Happening? A full night of games, food, worship, and fun!
This year, we are partnering with the Wesley Foundation and other area churches for an event called “Flock Together.” College students will lead us in worship, games, discussions, and fun for a few hours at the Wesley Foundation building before we finish out the night at Pittman Park with food, games, and fellowship!
📢 RSVP is required! Please make sure your student officially signs up so we can plan for food, activities, and sleeping space accordingly.