Get to Know the Church STAFF: Megan Hopkins

Written on 06/06/2024
Megan Hopkins

As Director of Children’s Ministry, Megan Hopkins can most often be found in the Main Street kids wing where she ministers to our youngest congregants. After 10 years as a parent volunteer in the program, she was asked to take the helm in a transitional capacity during the summer of 2021. And she never left! Megan also serves the church as the manager of church communications, sending out email updates, managing social media, and updating the church website–including Meet the Church articles (wink!).

Here are Megan’s answers to our Meet the Church questions:

What is your favorite thing about working at Pittman Park?
Ok, the actual work I do here is amazing. Giving children a foundation of faith as Children’s Director and telling the story of all that’s happening at Pittman Park as Communications Manager are equally fulfilling roles, but a workplace is only ever as good as the people you work with. My favorite thing about working at Pittman Park is the dedicated, talented, faith-filled, smart and kind co-workers and volunteers that surround me each day. You all are living in step with the spirit, and the love of God you carry overflows onto me and makes me a better person.

What other jobs have you had outside Pittman Park?
I worked as a graphic designer and in ad sales at the Statesboro Herald for a few years, then as a graphic designer in the communications department at Georgia Southern University for 10 years. I’ve also worked remotely as a graphic designer for a national health food company, Azure Standard.

What did you want to do for a job when you were a child?
As a child, I envisioned myself as a teacher, like my dad.

What is your superpower?
I grew up in Alaska, knowing what real cold feels like and understanding the value of heat. Even after 21 years in Statesboro, I have yet to be bothered by warm temperatures. I love a hot car and look forward to warm summer nights.